Soul Care Spokane

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5 Questions to Ask when searching for Christian Counseling in Spokane

What’s the difference between Christian Counseling and Biblical Counseling? I want a Christian to counsel me because I want someone who has the same morals and the same values as me? Is there more? What should I be asking?

Whose perspective?

Do I want Secular Counseling done by a Christian or do I want to know what God has to say about my life? I have heard so many times that I have a Christian counselor but he she does. Not bring the bible into our session at all. The Bible teaches us about the God who created us. He knows our souls. The word psychology is made up of two Greek word “psuche” and “logia”. These two words together are literally “soul knowing”. Who knows our soul better than our Creator. I think that the best opportunity to hope, help and healing come from knowing and loving and doing what God says is best for us.

Whose Wisdom Did Your Counselor Meditate on?

I think the biggest thing to ask is “Do you want Secular Counseling done by a Christian or do you want the Bible informing the basis for all your counselor’s care for you? In the Bible “meditation” is repeating the same thing over and over in your mind. It is repeating again and again what you believe to be true, what you love or hate, and what you are committed to doing. The Hebrew word for this is “hâgâh - to murmur”. It’s like when you say something over and over in your thoughts that eventually it comes out as barely discernable utters. You may have experienced people ask, “What did you say?” or, “Were you talking to me?”. A Christian who studies counseling studies mainly secular therapeutic theory they meditate on Freud, Jung, and Rogers. So, the first question is what did they mediate on? Is the answer The Bible, or Psychology/Psychological Theory?

God’s Best or Man’s Best?

The next question you should be asking is “Do I want God’s best or man’s best? Yahweh means “I am. Yes, I am”. Which is to say that God stands outside of time and that he stands as the Creator of all things. God knows what is best for His creation. He sent His Son so that we might know Him and that we might know what abundant life looks like. Jesus modeled this for His children. As we place ourselves under the Word, we are acknowledging there is One who knows better than me and better than the world around me. Psychology does a great job of describing my problems, Biblical Counseling gives the sincere Christian an opportunity to go after deep healing.

Discipled or Conformed?

Don’t take my word for it, let’s look at the Apostle Paul’s words. “1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:1-2). The next question you should be asking is “Do I desire to be “discipled”, or do I desire to know how to describe my problems with the world’s words?” I have counseled so many men and women who have been in secular counseling, literally, for years. They can describe their affliction, their suffering, their problems in detail. However, despite this description they are still suffering. They have not gained more peace, they are not coping any better, and their relationships are still a mess. I know that sin is real. I know because I have seen the results of my own and experienced the pain of others against me. I know that God’s heart is for reconciliation despite sin because He sent His only Son. Biblical counselors don’t go on a sin hunt, but they will also not reduce sin. If it was powerful enough to need Jesus’ death, we need Jesus to help make sense of it.

Who Pays?

The last question is a very practical one; “Will I seek the right counsel sacrificially or settle for what my insurance provider says is “best”? Because Biblical Counseling does not have the state’s support there is no CPT code that can be submitted to health insurance for the time spent with a in biblical counselor. Those who desire to hear what God’s word has to say about their affliction, their pain, their need for conciliation will be required to pay “out of pocket”. The answer to this question is significant. I would suggest you take the time to weigh in the balance and compare the investment in deep soul healing versus the comfort you might have in “knowing” what is wrong according to the world. What is the value of knowing what is wrong if healing is not also on the way.